To ensure the App UIs we are building are translated into multiple languages, we need to save the text associated with any new UI components to a translation resource file.
For standard VBCS we have examples in vbcookbook as well as some docs. You can refer to those.
In this article, we will look at an approach where we will use Fusion SaaS Language Preferences to switch the language. No extra JS is required. As long as we have translation bundles available for that language the app will automatically render in that language.
The overall Steps would be,
Create Translation Bundles and Keys
Associate a Translation Key with a UI Component
Download and Upload Translation Bundles after translating into our desired language
Test by changing the SaaS Language Preference Setting
The standard Oracle documentation describes in detail the capabilities for Steps 1 - 3. Here is the link to the documentation.
In the below video let us look at the overall process.